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Endangering Species

Disappearing Ground

Across the Fields to Barkingside

Still Life?


The Earlier Train

Percy & Joe

Did That

All Lost
At Sea

The Holy Book of The Invisible Friend

Hunters and

(Tacloban Tales)

Short Stories;
Fleeting Lives

The Fish


To E-Utopia

Endangering Species 11 Short Stories, Fleeting Lives.mp3

Composer:   Ed Hooke
Date of Composition:   April - September 2015
Date of Recording/Copyright:    2015

Inspired primarily by a photograph taken in 2015 by Manali Bonde.

“Finger fizz” refers to the sense of electricity passing between 2 people’s finger(tip)s when they touch for the first time after much anticipation.

Short Stories; Fleeting Lives

Nightfall, day’s end’s truism reminder
Lightfall, finds its view in the viewfinder.

Elsewhere, ‘neath heaven’s spangled splendour
Hell’s fare, self-stamped ‘return to sender’
Skies here, unscathed escape light pollution
Yet demise here, is one sorrowful soul’s sole solution.

Fleeting lives.  Short stories.

A barren branch
barbed bare bereft of leaves
Blurred insect wings
throng thin as thieves
Spider’s spin
- skeletal scaffolding
Web weaver’s where?
They’re missing.

Flap flood flies
flirt with the fluorescent flow
oblivious to trap below
Flummox eyes
flighty flock, flicker, flit
for life is short
and this is it.

Jagged web,
stuttering state perhaps just started
or ragged,
decaying debris, designer departed

from clifftop contemplate rugged rocks far below
Then rag-doll dive
deep descent, desperate
- a fleeting life’s final throw.

So save me sunbeams.
Rescue me a rainbow.
Capture me her caress.
Relive lost laughter.
Freeze frame on finger fizz.
Draw the drop of her dress.

Fleeting lives.  Short stories.

on clifftop contemplation of rugged rocks far below
Then rag-doll dive
descent of desperation
- a fleeting life’s final throw.

1)   “[The singer] … has the worst voice ever.”      [Kerry - Johannesberg]

2) “It’s as if this was originally a song the Residents wrote and thought they’d better let someone else perform.  This is a mindtrip.  Of course, [that is] a compliment.  The Residents are probably the most bizarre band (with a solid fan-base), hence if they had any reluctance of performing a song like this, it’s like gotta be über weird… which this song definitely is.  The time signature and lyrics are certainly evocative, to say the least.”      [Scott Goldberg, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany]