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Composer: Ed Hooke
Date of Composition: April 2015
Date of Recording/Copyright:
Commentary (1)
In memory of former times?
The hunter-
This song is not so much a “lovesong with a difference”, as a “difference with a lovesong in it”.
I originally intended to draw exact parallels between hunter-
We have indeed come a long way though.
Starlit stealth, stake and stalk.
Glow glad gleam of day.
Freed fruits fresh are ours all,
prey prowling our play
We have come a long way.
We shall feast tonight.
Weave wide where woods waver,
hands hooked and feet fleet.
Wealth waits for our pickings,
lush greens plus speared meat.
We have come a long way.
We shall feast tonight.
Come, be mine.
Dance with me before we dine.
Hunters and gatherers
on sacred grounds dwell.
Each sunrise we worship.
Each eve rejoice well.
Clanship our attachment,
tribal tread our track.
Shift shelter each morrow.
Nought that which we lack.
Now it’s time to return.
Arm in arm tonight.
For we have come a long way
And we shall feast tonight.
Commentary (2)
Sometimes I feel almost overwhelmed by the ugly beauty of a song I
have created and, other than listening to the song repeatedly (& singing along &
jumping up & down to it), I'm not sure what to do with those feelings.
I listen to "Hunters and Gatherers" & rejoice at its features, its assembly & the
magnificence of the overall result & its effect on me. It feels like, in the last
few years, after all this time, I have finally been able to create & record songs
which leave me awe-
* 5/4 time signature (i.e. 5 beats to the bar) -
* chanting backing vocals -
* verses feature simple bass-
* the wibbly wobbly sounds & strange chord progression of the middle section with its 'love song' are possibly the weakest elements, but they add another dimension
* the songwords tell of (& probably over-
* there's rather a lot of alliteration -
* the highlights for me come in the triumphal choruses, with a horrible and slightly
strange falling bass progression underneath twin driving discordant distortion-
1) “I like the chanting combined with heavy riffs”
[Djack Brissenden,
Reading UK]
2) “I like this very much.” [Paul A Murphy, Brighton UK]