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All Lost At Sea
Loss and guilt.
The Holy Book of the Invisible Friend
Delusions can be dangerously powerful.
Hunters & Gatherers
A return to a past, remote & simpler time.
For we have come a long
Joyful (Tacloban Tales)
Survival and, despite many problems, joy.
Short Stories; Fleeting Lives
Snapshots. Fatal snapshots.
The Fish Tickler
A bit of game playing and a few misdirected hormones.
Some of the basic truths about human life summarised.
Passage to E-
into the European Union in 2016.
Disappearing Ground
The lives of birds are often intertwined with our own.
Across the Fields to Barkingside
’For the best’ is not the same as ‘free from pain’.
Still Life?
Explorations of the meaning of life and its absence.
Missing (MH370)
Dedicated with respect to all those lost on Malaysian Airlines flight
MH370 in March 2014.
The Earlier Train
Sooner or later each of us has to catch a train to life’s terminus
Percy & Joe
Inspired by breakfast at the Inwangsan Hotel in Makati City, Manila, Philippines
Did That
From a view over London Bridge to a woodland walk in Wendover as well as
to other places. Where did that Child go?