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Science Defiance & Superstitions for the Modern Ape


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The False Dawn of
Sense Commencement

The Painted Wolves
(Come Tomorrow)

One for
One China

Warm Beneath
the Sun

But Chose
Not To

Revisited / Resurrection

Mind The Gaps
(A Lockdown Lament)

Within Arachnid Silken Purse


The Lines are Down

Dear Animals

Ron’s House

to LISTEN click here

03 The Painted Wolves.mp3

This song was inspired by the painted wolves of Africa featured in the BBC “Dynasties” series.  The name ‘’Painted Wolves’’ is a literal translation of their Latin name
lycaon pictus & is considerably less pejorative than more vague names such as “wild dogs”.  They are indeed more closely related to other wolves than to domestic dogs, both genetically & behaviourally.  With only 6,600 of them left in the world in late 2018, painted wolves are Africa’s second most endangered species, with their habitat increasingly encroached upon & restricted by ever-spreading human populations.

The phrase ‘come tomorrow’ has several different possible interpretations. It could be an optimistic wish, or a determination, for something better (when considering the 2 words alone) or (when considering the 2 words together with the previous clause) a fatalistic acceptance, or perhaps an unwitting prediction, of the future’s darker consequences.

The Painted Wolves
(Come Tomorrow)

Keep young among us

For those that dawdle

May make foes’ jaws full

- ripped apart.

Drooped our tails,

Hearts smart.

Grief stung.

Heads hung.

Scent that’s sent by breeze.

Nose that knows.  No eye sees.

Pack agrees.

Pause these paws

& contemplate.

Fan out downwind like

huge open mouth poised,

Unseen, without sound.

Chase.  Trap.  Snap.

Bound.  Swiftly surround.

Prey downed

to ground

Fast feast.

Scavengers scrum & steal.

Food fleeced...

yet we’ll sate our hunger,

come our next meal.

Composer: Ed Hooke
Written: January-August 2019

Recorded:  August 2019

Can we no more than spectate?

Defy hyenas.
Lions, let’s leave lie.

Ears pricked for danger,

pointed for prey

the eye is yet to spy.

Stand by.

Lands shrink...

spoils of two-footed foe.

Bring brink.

Fewer falls our number...

come tomorrow!

Spray mark territory.

Intruders ruthlessly tracked.

Rivals’ survivals’ not our worry.

Hunt on!

Trust the skills that we know.

Day gone.

New dawn brings new hunger...

come tomorrow!

Stand.  Sing.

High hoot, harmony howl


wild & wide the worlds where

painted wolves prowl.