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One for
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But Chose
Not To

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Mind The Gaps
(A Lockdown Lament)

Within Arachnid Silken Purse


The Lines are Down

Dear Animals

Ron’s House

On the Other Side
of the Fence

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14 On the Other Side of the Fence.mp3

   Ed Hooke

  January 2023 - January 2025                          
   February 2025

Once upon a time you dwelt with me here
till separation seemed to make most sense.
Never did I want you not to be near.
Yet I sent you to the other side of the fence.

On the Other Side of the Fence

Years have passed.  Regrets last.  Night here while day there.

My hopes for your return no less intense.
But if it’s still best for you to stay there, stay there.

Might I join you though on the other side of the fence?

Sometimes one need conflicts with another

- one need only met at the other need’s expense.

A new start apart, we wept as we stepped away from each other

for you to go to the other side of the fence.