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Ed Hooke
November 2020
February 2021
You creaked ajar
an unhinged door.
Wisdom, love, power
A stolen
Ten years of war.
A thousand ships.
A hollow horse
stood by Troy’s towers,
Hera’s Spawn.
Twin Peerless.
Fools tricked.
Conflict Engineeress.
A wedding feast
by heaven blessed.
Shunned, still came
uninvited Guest.
Cast golden apple
Which divine beauty
bribed the best?
Harmony & beauty
be yet partial tapestry.
Reflections’ blind sections
ply deceptions.
Who’d plan it?
Planet redefine.
The Tenth subtracting
one from nine.
Dark god
to darkness reconsign.
Superiority is Thine.
who dismiss You.
Two boastful lovers, set a test.
The loser, unduly distressed
enslaved the sister he’d
feasted on succulent, sliced breast
to meat his own sweet issue.
The Olympian goddess of discord, Eris is perhaps most famous for initiating
the Trojan War. All the Olympian gods & goddesses had been invited to the wedding
of Thetis & Peleus except for her (since there was said to be no place for discord
on such an occasion...) Snubbed, she turned up anyway and threw a golden apple inscribed
‘for the fairest’ into the party. The goddesses Hera, Athena & Aphrodite all claimed
it & required Paris (a mortal & aTrojan prince) to award the prize, offering him
incentives according to their particular powers; power, wisdom & love. Paris chose
the last of these, offered in the form of Helen of Sparta, allegedly the most beautiful
woman in the world, unfortunately already married to the Spartan king, Menelaus.
tale featuring Eris’s involvement concerned Polyteknos & Aedon who claimed their
love for each other was greater than that of the supreme deity couple, Zeus & Hera.
Angered, Hera sought Eris’s intervention. Polyteknos was working on a chariot board
while Aedon was weaving a web. Eris told them that whoever finished their task last
would have to present the other with a female servant. Aedon won. Unhappy at his
defeat, Polyteknos raped Aedon’s sister, Khelidon before disguising her & presenting
her to Aedon as a slave. Having found out the truth, Aedon chopped up Polyteknos’s
son and fed the pieces to him..
The black thorn plant is a symbol for Eris. Some
accounts say she is the daughter of Hera, others that she is the daughter of Nyx
(night). Ares, the god of war, is her twin brother.
Eris is celebrated in various
ways. Apart from her role in music, her name was given to a Kuiper belt based dwarf
planet whose discovery in 2005 (and superior mass) led to the redefinition of the
word ‘planet’ and Pluto’s demotion from planetary status.
Eris was adopted as the patron deity of the Discordian religion, begun in the 1950s.
Invoke not wrath thou canst afford
for She Whom ancient lords ignored
instead should stand worshipped, adored.
Snub not the glorious Goddess of discord.
Out of sight
Kuiper belt Dweller
Daughter of the darkest Night.
The music started like Tom Waits (circa Rain Dogs) then went nowhere I had
imagined but fun and brilliant all the same .
John Peel, Liverpool]