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Composer: Ed Hooke
Written: March-
Recorded: May-
Dinosaurs died out.
What brought their rout about?
Some claim a huge asteroid clout.
Perhaps what killed
them off
instead was a dry cough
rendering lung function void.
Out pour poor-
puffs, virus to beat. Yeah
microbes don’t give a feck.
Written during the first wave of the Covid-
are lots of double meanings in the words of this song,, the first being in the title
(a famliar phrase at London Underground stations, repeatedly warning passengers moving
between train & platform to be careful because of the space between the two). Here
the word “mind” means both “observe;/maintain” and “experience distress because of”.
(‘Gaps’ of course refers just to the advised ‘social distancing’.) ‘On our hands’
can be both figurative & literal. ‘Two meeters’ is of course a homonym for ‘two
metres’ while ‘clear’ can refer to both clarity and distance . ‘Home’ and ‘away’
can be both synonyms & antonyms here.. ‘Touched’ can be literal or imply the dated,
figurative quasi-
Pangolin/bat. Some believe that
the coronavirus was first transmitted to humans by someone eating an infected pangolin
or bat bought at a Chinese wet market.
The most common modernday usage of the word ‘bargepole’ is “I wouldn’t
touch it with a bargepole’, the word ‘it’ referring to something that one wishes
to keep well away from.
With a pandemic virus on our hands
two meeters must be clear
of where each other stands.
at home! Stay away! Stay away!
Don’t come near me.
I shall keep my distance too.
Sometimes we’ll smile, perhaps
still we mind the gaps
& I miss you.
Oh! Could we too face a similar fate?
scrubbed, purged
the planet’s plate?
Oh! Pangolin post host, Trojan bat.
You’d have to be bat-
dine out on that.
Rot! Bring me a bargepole then be gone.
Those touched or who congregate
risk passing malware on.
What though of the virus’s point of view?
It’s only trying
to feed its family on you.
Sad social separation simply serves
this wish which seeks for passing peaks
& flattened
Stay at home! Stay away! Stay away!
More peace, less pollution, cleaner air
suggesting the world improves
when fewer of
us are there.
Foreseeable future unforeseen.
Prat president buck-
swears his dirty
hands are clean.