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“for life is short
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More fun with god.
Dream Fragments Redrawn
More meaningless memories?
(without Mungo and Midge this time)
The Day of the Stupids
A ‘celebration’ of Britain’s Brexit vote.
Sock Man & Invisible Monkey
It’s not easy being a superhero.
Attachment, Separation & Loss
(part 493)
From here we start & finish
Run! Zombies! Run!
Life sometimes develops in unexpected ways. On the other hand
it also develops in entirely predictable ways. We get older.
Portrait in Halls
with Tall Bare Walls
but no-
A young woman sets out
on the journey of her life.
A Reluctant Gardener
Flowers for all occasions…
We Laughed All The Time
Sharing laughter is perhaps one of our greatest privileges.
No Idea
What’s her name? I’ve got no idea.
Exhilaration Daze
Two bicycles & a wooded hill.
A Seduction of… (souls?)
Tomorrow is another day…
Could Be
& next year is another year…?