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The Futher Sermons of Father McKenzie


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Attachment, Separation
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Run!  Zombies!  Run!

Portrait in Halls
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A Reluctant Gardener

We Laughed
All The Time



A Seduction of….


A Carthorse Chasing After a Gazelle


The Further Sermons of Father McKenzie

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The Further Sermons of Father McKenzie 15 A Carthorse Chasing After A Gazelle.mp3 A Carthorse Chasing After A Gazelle

Still life? Not as we know it.  Gym?
Approach now the final frontier.
To baldly go where no hair has before gone.
To expire both strangely & weirdlier.

Composer: Ed Hooke
Written: December 2018-January 2019

For HK , the gazelle.  (Also for the carthorse.)
Recorded:  January-February 2019

A carthorse chasing after a gazelle.
Behind chaste golden hind, old spun myth spell.
Behold but falling ever further behind.
Shrink.  A view of you... who’s bringing up the rear?
What seemed in reach now starts to disappear.

Tantalise.  Dance from these eyes away.

To seek out new life?

Uncivilisation seems a remnant dream.

Put on my blinkers.
Desperately grasp at the vestiges of failed attachments.
Beam me down.

Jiggling jaws with jigsaws.
Ten thousand pieces which refuse to fit.

Cobble together clothes for the whether or not on a Sun-day or night-watch it.

Perhaps this unplanned planet makes little sense.
It’s puzzling too to me.

Is it sardonic?  Just autonomic?

Vainly trying to flee fated atrophy.


1) Oh no.  Not again.

2) I can’t see it myself but some people have suggested that there is some sort of resemblance between some of the lines in this song & the following famous lines from Star Trek: “
It’s life but not as we know it, Jim”;  “Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its continuing mission: to explore strange new worlds. To seek out new life and new civilizations. To boldly go where no one has gone before!”;  “Beam me up”.

3) Does ‘old’ refer to the myth or the spell or the spinning or the chaser or the chased (or the chaste)? Does ‘vainly’ mean ‘in vain’ or ‘proudly’ or both?  Does ‘but’ have 1 ‘t’ or 2?  Does ‘a view’ sound the same as ‘of you’? Does ‘further’ sound the same as ‘for the’?  Does ‘sound the same as’ sound the same as ‘sow & this aim ass’?

4)The jigsaws were in a school staff room in Dagenham but some of the most significant action took place in an Ilford park (known to the late Steve Marriott as ‘Itchycoo Park’) where there is a lot of space & there are perhaps a few final frontiers too.

5) Oh bum.