Lumps & Bumps



The Separation Circle



Separation Circle song collections
The Incomplete Cacophony
Lumps & Bumps
Emerging into the Brightness of the Day
Let's Go Fly a Kite
Laughs, Giraffes & Epitaphs
Experimenting with Noisy Insects
Y? Y? Y?

Separation Circle News
Separation Circle Interview
Featured Song


Bad Tune Men - band of legend
Bad Tune Men photo album
Bad Tune Men press reviews

The Arteks

Complete List of Songs

IRC Guide


The Book of Wisdom
Words of Lesser Wisdom

100 Best Songs Ever
Memoratble Lines from Songs 

Photo Albums: Philippines 2008
                           Scotland 2008
                          Philippines 2010

Contact Us

 iMy Name is Ana


The Pizza Song

Any More?

(Not Bad for a) Shy Boy Lost

The Space Between the Stars

Glass Bubble Home


Harlow's Monkey

We Used To Fly  (Don't Mention Its Name)

Friend of Disposed Bathwater

Eastward from Krakatoa  (Parahyangan)


Soak Through


In this life, it's true to say that there are lumps.  It is also true to say that in this life there are bumps.
For these reasons, we thought
it was appropriate to name this collection of songs "In this life, it's true to say that there are.".

The Space Between the Stars
- a voice from beyond the grave.....

Any More? - the spirit
remains willing and strong,
but the flesh has weakened
and continues to do so.....

My name is Ana doesn't so much tell a story as attempt to capture a moment - or a few moments - of joy in the life
of a child, witnessed by chance by a passing stranger.

Harlow's Monkey - damaged children
grow up to become damaged adults.........

We Used To Fly  (Don't Mention Its Name) - fragmented memories
of the present day
from a not too distant

Soak Through - in the half-way realm between wakefulness and sleep, powerful emotions can convey the mind into disturbing distortions of reality.....

The Pizza Song
- this was indeed
a modernday romance....

Glass Bubble Home - our past is catching up with us;  the future is here now and there isn't a lot of it left.


Victoria! - an anthem for Hartlepool United Football Club


Cloud is a duel
- and also a love song.

(Not Bad for a) Shy Boy Lost
- the exhilaration of a crush

Hesitate - a familiar theme which also crops up elsewhere

as "what's the use of so much so called potential if it's wasted?" and "Life is not a rehearsal" amongst other places

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