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2008 |
In Search of Cassandra, Princess of Troy My
City has been All words & music written by Ed Hooke
except: |
This collection of songs is dedicated with reverence, love & respect to Cassandra, princess & misunderstood prophetess of Troy, born: 21st June c1270 BCE; died: 13th January c1248 BCE - and to all her modernday manifestations around the world.....
"I'm still searching for clues, from the ruins of your ancient home........" |
Guest appearance within this Separation Circle: Samira
Parsons Amanda
Menezes Aparna
Alexander 'Blob' Wilkinson |
Echoes of yesterday preserved.... |
"in the blood of Eden lie the woman & the man, with the man in the woman and the woman in the man...." - Peter Gabriel |
"What you need to do is chill out" - Lynne C |
"I didn't realise you were so angry" - Melanie A |
"..... all those missed opportunities" - Mike C |
"In my experience, many women have fatal gifts but rarely explain them so clearly to others from the outset" - Arvad {to Cassandra} |
inside? |
"If she died 3,000 years ago, isn't it about time you buried her?" - Shivani C |
"The truth often sounds paradoxical" - Lao Tse |
"... take bits from each religion & form your own" - Naomi C |
"I believe that the very purpose of life is to seek happiness. That is clear." - His Holiness The Dalai Lama |
Who was Cassandra? |
Cassandra's best known characteristic is that, while she had the gift of prophecy, she was fated never to be believed or understood. |
BIBLIOGRAPHY ASKIN M (1996) Troy - A Revised Edition Keskin BAILEY H (1993) Cassandra, Princess of Troy Jonathan Cape BLEGEN C W (1963) Troy and the Trojans Thames & Hudson GRAVES R (1960) The Greek Myths - Complete Edition Penguin GREEN R L (1959) The Tale of Troy Penguin McLEISH K (1995) Euripides: After the Trojan War (includes 'The Women of Troy') Absolute Classics MURRAY G (1905) Euripides: The Trojan Women Allen & Unwin PAPAHATZIS N Mycenae - Epidaurus - Tiryns - Nauplion Clio PAYNE R (1959) The Gold of Troy Funk & Wagnalls SEVINÇ
N (1996) Troia
STEPHANIDES M & STEPHANIDES Y (1997) The Iliad: The Trojan War Sigma VELLACOTT P (1956) Aeschylus: The Oresteian Trilogy (includes 'The Agamemnon') Penguin VELLACOTT P (1954) Euripides: The Bacchae and Other Plays (includes 'The Women of Troy') Penguin WOLF C (1984) Cassandra Virago |
There are two differing accounts of how she gained the gift of prophecy, but only one explains why she was not believed or understood. In the classical story, the God Apollo sought to seduce her with this gift. Whether she had in fact agreed to 'lie with him' or not is disputed. What is agreed is that she ultimately refused his advances and Apollo was unable to take back her prophetic powers. Famously however she agreed to a kiss, as a compromise which she thought couldn't do any harm - however Apollo took this opportunity to spit into her mouth (charming!), thus cursing her that although she would always tell the truth, no-one would ever believe or understand what she said, rendering her prophetic powers worse than useless. On reflection it could seem a little strange that she didn't see that one coming. Despite her rejection of his advances, Cassandra was often taken to be Apollo's priestess. The
lesser known account states that, as young children, Cassandra and
her twin brother Helenus were playing in the temple when they were
licked by serpents. This gave both of them prophetic powers
- powers with which serpents were closely linked in the ancient
Mother Goddess religions. |
The defining circumstance of Cassandra's life, historically-speaking, was of course the Trojan War. If she could and did predict the outcome, she would have been pretty unpopular with her fellow Trojans. The classical story has her warning unheeded about the legendary wooden horse, left by the hiding Greeks. In the bloody ensuing destruction of the city, a Greek soldier, Ajax the Lesser, raped Cassandra, dragging her from the altar in Athena's temple. It is at this point that, writing a few hundred years later, the playwright Euripides takes up the plot, portraying Cassandra as wild and defiant in defeat. In the immediate aftermath of destruction and violation, and with the foresight of the doom that lies ahead for herself, she bewilders those around her by celebrating dynamically and defiantly, knowing that her own fate is closely linked to the impending downfall of Agamemnon, leader and 'Great King' of her conquerors, the man who will take her as a concubine and, in some accounts, father her twins. The story is taken up by Aeschylus, after Cassandra has been taken across the Aegean Sea as a slave to Mycenae, the golden but troubled home city of Agamemnon and his bitter, unfaithful wife Clytemnestra. Alone in a strange foreign city, far from the ruins of her home, and knowing that as Clytemnestra's lover Aegisthus is murdering Agamemnon, her own death at the hands of the axe-wielding Mycenean queen is imminent, Cassandra utters what has been suggested to be one of the most beautiful exit speeches ever written: "Here
in the fading light of sun I pray And then the sun went down. Archaeological finds at Troy, Mycenae and other contemporary sites have not only allowed historians to suggest that the Trojan war took place (and thus Cassandra lived) at some time between 1300 & 1200 BCE, but have also forced them to re-evaluate notions of the prevalent religious beliefs of that time. |
Thousands of votive statuettes were unearthed, but instead of representing the expected gods of the classical Greek pantheon such as Zeus, Apollo, and Poseidon, they were exclusively female and corresponded vividly with similar finds in other parts of the ancient world (including not only Europe and Asia but also South America. It thus appears that the Trojans (as well as their Greek enemies) worshipped a goddess variously described in modern times as 'Mother Goddess', 'Earth Goddess', 'White Goddess', 'Black Goddess', 'Triple Goddess' whose forms included Ashtarte and Ashtaroth (mentioned in the christian bible) and probably also Hera, Athena and Aphrodite who became absorbed into the more patriarchal classical Greek pantheon. Other patriarchal religions seem to have made concessions to followers of the more ancient religion - the elevation of the virgin Mary in the christian religion being one such a case. Instead of being a priestess of Apollo, Cassandra was probably a priestess of the Mother Goddess. |