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The Incomplete Cacophony


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 The Incomplete Cacophony 

 The Incomplete Cacophony

Ed Hooke

Date of
November 2010

Date of


Tie me up and hold me down.

Grip my body.  Rip my gown.

Helpless to resist your power

I wait for you to pluck your flower.

My body begs to feel your hand.

My master's wish is my command.

Punish me as I deserve

- the highest function I can serve.

No windows within these walls.

Nobody to hear my calls.

By your will my will is bound.

This love is the best love I've ever found.

You expose me to the crowd.

Hurl abuse.  My head is bowed.

Make me wear the shortest skirt.

Humiliate me.  I am dirt.

I am your slave. I am your toy,

a captive maid at your employ.

Beneath your gaze I am undressed,

my naked soul by you possessed.

No Windows

 I had originally planned to give this song the apparently mainstream title "The best love I've ever found" but in the end felt that that line out of context just seemed too bland.  Also I feared that the irony would be lost on most.  Love comes in many shapes and forms.  Each to their own.