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Ed Hooke
Date of
April -
Date of
The wisdom of the fool?
A collection of whimsical thoughts, many of which first appeared during conversations with groups of people on the internet.
Show me a fish and I'll show you a cow.
It doesn't make sense but I'm not quite sure how.
The clock hands revolve but the time's always now.
I could stay here forever but time won't allow.
When I grow up I want to be a shoe
then I can walk across hillsides with you.
The TV tells me that my dreams can come true.
I just have to believe (and to pay them per view).
Let's do an audit of tables and chairs.
Count them all up and see if there are spares.
Inventories of paper clips in all their lairs
might not seem too useful but nobody cares.
When I grow up I want to be a child
and fly with the penguins that grow in the wild.
The snow will be hot. The extremes will be mild.
We shall pile up some piles where more piles have been piled.
Chatter batter clatter splatter, incomplete cacophony.
I hide here inside freedom's captivity
and smile all the while though I scream silently
for still behind all of the noise, what is me?