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Laughs Giraffes & Epitaphs


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 Album:    Laughs,
Giraffes & Epitaphs

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Clocks, Cobwebs & Chalk


Washing Machine

Big Dig

Rumble Mountain

No More Heroes


Ed’s Sofa

Peg, Picture Piece - The Square Pags:
 Some Answer & That Hammer;  Unfit!

03 Clocks Cobwebs and Chalk.mp3

Composer:   Ed Hooke
Date of Composition/Copyright:   1987
Date of Recording:    1994

Inspired by the memory of stumbling across an abandoned cottage on the slopes of Cader Idris, a mountain in North Wales, as an impressionable 12 year old schoolboy,  This is me wondering what impression someone might form if, after my death, they were to stumble across my home in a similar way.

A photograph - browned and curling.
Magnetic tape - recorded sound.
The dust has gathered.
 The vultures have flown.
(Worn garments of an age outgrown.)
A secret museum - its cobwebs undisturbed.
(Echoes of yesterday preserved.)

Out of breath and out of petrol.
The sands have fallen now.
Though older is not always wiser
the choice is ours. 

Who once lived here?  Were they content?
They must have been - or surely they'd have changed?
Haunted by clocks - counting down down down down.
(Less to be, more what might have been.)
What's the use of so much so-called potential if it's wasted?
(Chalk epitaphs fade in the rain.)

Change the world or change a light bulb.
Change something inbetween.
I can stand standing still no longer
lest rots sets in.
So where do you stand? 

Fate twists mainly as allowed.
Our lives are in our hands.

The choice is ours.

Clocks, Cobwebs & Chalk
Clocks, Cobwebs & Chalk