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Laughs Giraffes & Epitaphs


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 Album:    Laughs,
Giraffes & Epitaphs



Clocks, Cobwebs & Chalk


Washing Machine

Big Dig

Rumble Mountain

No More Heroes


Ed’s Sofa

Peg, Picture Piece - The Square Pags:
 Some Answer & That Hammer;  Unfit!


 “I interviewed the Dalai Lama last year and I asked him about humour…….  I just looked at him and after a moment we just started to laugh and we laughed for about 2 minutes.  I don’t know still what we were laughing at but I know that it felt absolutely wonderful.”                    John Cleese  1993


“…. and what’s more, it doesn’t even look like a horse.  It looks more like a bloody giraffe!”                     Cassandra of Troy  c1250 BCE

     & EPITAPHS…

“In a way, waiting is a shabby way to live, and it goes against nature, but - each one can fill in their own but’s, or throw them all away.”     Eric Berne  1966

“Who once lived here?  Were they content?   -  They must have been or surely they’d have changed?”       EH 1987


Then what day is it?” asked Owl.

 “It’s Today!” squeaked Piglet.

“My favourite day” said Pooh

        AA Milne   .

“Slaves to the future and slaves to the past -
           Our freedom lurks under our nows.
  So come like a child with your smile and at last
  We may find ourselves touching our Taos.”

                                                      Arvad 1994 .     .

   Guest appearances

 James Butler
- harmonica plus vocals on No More Heroes

 Richard Skinner
- bass on No More Heroes and Ed's Sofa
    - drum programming on Ed's Sofa

  All songs were written by Ed Hooke except:-

      Blackberries - words by "Not Me", music by EH

      Washing Machine - words by EH, music by Jon Hunt

      No More Heroes - original words & music by The Stranglers:
            words hijacked by James Butler, music hijacked by EH

      Ed's Sofa - music by Richard Skinner & EH

Laughs, Giraffes & Epitaphs was recorded at Cassandra Palace studios, Muswell Hill, July-December 1994 except:-

No More Heroes
- recorded in The Extension
, Old Coulsdon, March 1993

Ed's Sofa
 - recorded at Dick's Pad
Fulham, March 1994

I bought my sofa from a shop in Colney Hatch Lane, Muswell Hill
in February 1994

Songs can be a bit like photographs, snapshots of an instant in time.  Some of the snapshots in this photograph album are already starting to brown and curl.

 It's said that the camera never lies, but does it tell the whole truth?

In listening to this collection of songs, it is as if you are looking through a photograph album containing rather haphazardly arranged snapshots of my life.  I hope you find something of interest here.

1994 was a turbulent year for me but it is represented here by only one song (my entry for the Eurovision Song with the Longest Title Contest).  Look out (in whatever sense you choose) for my next collection, provisionally entitled "Emerging into the Brightness of the Day", which should bring my repetoire of recorded sounds a little closer to the present.