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Emerging into the Brightness of the Day


Emerging into the Brightness of the Day


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Emerging into the Brightness of the Day
Emerging into the Brightness of the Day


I Am Alone

In Search of Cassandra, Princess of Troy

Summer Solstice Song


My City Has Been
Burned To The Ground

Wedding Hymn

January 13th

Another Mad Message

Time To Go Home

Dark Shine

03 In Search Of Cassandra, Princess of Troy.mp3

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In Search of Cassandra, Princess of Troy

Composer:   Ed Hooke
Date of Composition/Copyright:   1994
Date of Recording:    2002

Backing Vocals:  Samira Parsons

The first of my songs written in homage to Cassandra, princess & misunderstood prophetess of Troy, who lived & died more than 3000 years ago but whose memory lingers on.

This is just so beautiful & brilliant!
                       [Wendy H, Norwich]

Amongst the royalty of Troy
at the height of its fame
lived one girl, beautiful but mad.
Cassandra was her name.

It's told that the God Apollo wooed her
with the gift of prophecy but he said
none would believe or understand her
since she refused to grace his bed.

She told of war
& Troy's destruction she foresaw.
she won no popularity. 

After 10 years of siege
the ships of the invaders sailed
leaving a giant wooden horse.
 Was this a prize
for those who had prevailed?

Cassandra screamed of blood & burning
cloaked outside the Scaean Gate.
Of course, her fears fell on deaf ears
that scorned her pleas to wait.

She saw their joy.
The trophy was the toast of Troy.
And in their pride
they did not stop to look inside.

You warned us, Cassandra.
But nothing has been learned.
The gift horse has been welcomed in.
You spoke but nobody believed.
They said that you were mad.
Unwelcome truth flowed from your tongue.
You speak but nobody believes.

Mycenae's palace beckoned
ruled, bejewelled, bedecked with gold.
Blindly her captor led her to their fate
which she herself had foretold.

In the courtyard
this crazed girl struggled mighty hard
until, dragged inside,
by murderous hand, Cassandra died.

So I mourn you, Cassandra.
But nothing has been learned.
The victims have been taken in.
You spoke but nobody believed.
The future's in your eyes.
The truth flows from your fevered tongue.
You speak but nobody believes.

Troy fell.
Amidst the flames
the temple offered no escape.
Once priestess at the altar
- now victim of brutal rape.

I have to dance.

3,000 years have passed.
Cassandra's ghost is whispering still.
The curse has lifted
& we can now believe her, if we will.

Cassandra tells
to look beyond attractive shells.
What do they hide?
Cassandra asks me "What's inside?"

Cassandra sings
of dangers hasty Progress brings
and from her pain
I have the chance to think again.

Emerging, shaking, drained and frightened
into the brightness of the day.
Pale and weak, unnatural, feared
with the wish that this would go away.

So I thank you, Cassandra.
Now I start to learn.
You warn me: "don't be taken in".
Cassandra's wisdom I receive.
Now our time has come.
At last, my love, you rest in peace.
Farewell, Cassandra - I believe.

They said that you were mad.
Unwelcome truth flowed from your tongue.

The future's in your eyes
but from your pain
 I have the chance to find Taruiva again.


Violated by a foreign soldier
then married into slavery
Frenzied by fear and foresight
Cassandra danced to meet her destiny.